Day Casino Poker and Healthcare Tech Talk
I am still determining what I am worse at - poker or golf. Both require a great deal of patience and practice. However, there is also an element of socialness that accompanies these activities, which I like.
For instance, I wanted to talk to my colleague Adam Hunke from Banner Health Group about healthcare trends and technology adoption. So instead of getting coffee, we went to some shitty casino at 3 pm to play poker like a few degenerates.
Two hundred dollars lost but I got some excellent insights into what hospital systems are thinking about when adopting SaaS platforms. I am in the information business, so this is a win.
Key things learned from Selling to Hospital Systems:
Any new SaaS incumbent needs < 1-year payback for hospitals (they have no money).
Needs to be a whitespace- no replacing existing vendors
Platforms > Best in Class point solutions- they need to survive management turnover
You better have a serious ACV and a shorter sales cycle if you are selling into the big systems right now. Onward.